
Kowalski Analysis


Kowalski Analysis


Kowalski Analysis


Kowalski Analysis

More Methods & Authors

Kowalski Analysis

Geographical Analysis

All processing of LANDFIRE spatial data was conducted in ArcGIS Pro (Version 2.5, and included:

  • Exporting the Vermont state border from United States Cartographic Boundary file (20m, obtatined from
  • Clipping of all LANDFIRE datasets by the Vermont state border using the Clip Raster tool in the Data Management toolbox.
  • Combining of the Biophysical Settings and Succession class datasets using the Combine tool in the Spatial Analyst toolbox.
  • Map making, described in sidebars.
  • Attribute tables were exported as .csv files for wrangling and chart making

Data wrangling and charts

Data wrangling and charts were made with R (R Core Team, 2021, within the R-Studio Integrated Design Environment (R Studio Team, 2021,

Code and input data available upon request.


Erin Matula: is graduating from Northern Michigan University in the spring of 2022 with a bachelors degree in Environmental Science. She will be attending graduate school at Trent University to study impacts of prescribed fire on boreal systems. Erin was responsible for conceptualizing and implementing the dashboard, GIS analysis, data wrangling, chart making and writing. She completed this work as part of an internship with The Nature Conservancy and the Conservation Data Lab.

Randy Swaty: is an ecologist with The Nature Conservancy’s LANDFIRE team and cheerleader-in-cheif of the Conservation Data Lab. Contributed GIS guidance, some R code and writing.

Matt Van Grinsven: is an Associate Professor at Northern Michigan University. Matt studies water quality and quantity, aquatic ecology, forest resources and more in the Great Lakes and Colorado Plateau regions. Matt served as faculty advisor and mentor for Erin.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Vermont Chapter of The Nature Conservancy for the inspiration, and Colleen Matula (Erin’s mom) for constant support.